Process Billing Items for a Contract

Use the following procedure to process billing items for a patron contract:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Contracts tab. The List of Patron Contracts grid displays all contracts associated with the patron.

4.  From the List of Patron Contracts grid, click the Billing Items next to the desired contract, and select one of the following options:

      View Linked Charge Schedules – Select this option to view any charge schedules that are linked to the contract’s Asset Type. When viewing a linked charge schedule, the schedule can be replaced, deleted, or overridden.

      View Generated Charges – Select this option to a list of charges generated for the contract

      Process Contract Item – Select this option to process the charge schedules for the contract up to the current date. This process generates FT transactions.

      Proration Details – Select this option to view and edit proration charges for the contract.