Perform a Space Swap

The Swap Spaces option allows a user to select a patron assignment and swap linked Spaces with another occupant within the same room or suite. To swap Spaces, both patrons must be assigned to a space within the same assignment-level facility, and both contracts must be in either a Preliminary or Active state.

Spaces allow an institution to group a set of items together, associated by location, which the patron will occupy in the room. Such items might include a bed or a network connection.

Patrons are not directly assigned to a space. Instead, they are assigned to a room and linked to a space for the duration of their assignment.  Spaces can also be used to link patrons to a space within a suite.

For example: If a suite contains four bedrooms, and each bedroom is identified as A, B, C, and D, then a patron could be linked to a specific bedroom within the suite. This is useful if each bedroom has its own key or access point. 

Patrons can be manually linked to Spaces, or ResCenter can link a patron to a Space when the patron is assigned to the room. In Odyssey HMS, the Use Spaces setting can be set to either Spaces Assigned Manually or Spaces Assigned Automatically (Tools > Institution Settings > Use Spaces).  If set to Spaces Assigned Manually, then when an assignment is made, the user will need to link the patron to a space.  If the system is set to Spaces Assigned Automatically, then ResCenter will choose the space to which the patron will be linked.  This option should only be used if there is not a preference on which space is linked to which patron. 

Use the following procedure to perform a space swap for a patron:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Contracts tab. The List of Patron Contracts grid displays all contracts associated with the patron.

4.  Click Edit on the desired contract, and select Swap Spaces.

5.  The current contract’s assignment information is displayed at the top of the page.

6.  In the Spaces to Swap With grid, click on the occupant with which the current patron should swap spaces with.

7.  Click Save. The occupant and patron’s contracts will be updated to reflect their new spaces.