Bulk Communication Email Considerations

The following information should be considered before using the Bulk Communication option to send communication emails to patrons:

     The Bulk Communication email process sends emails in a single session—not in batches.

     There is a one-second delay between each email sent. This behavior is intended to prevent an email server’s spam filter from interpreting multiple emails as spam and preventing emails from reaching patrons.

Refer to the following section, Changing Bulk Communication Email Rate, for information on configuring the rate emails are sent.

     Administrators should plan for at least a one-second-per-email minimum time when sending out a large number of emails.

For example: If a user plans to send an email to 1,000 patrons, the entire process will take, at a minimum, 17 minutes to complete.

     On average, it may take longer than one-second-per-email as other factors can affect the speed of the email process.

     If an institution plans to send a large amount of emails, CBORD recommends sending the emails at a time when the ResCenter server will experience lower traffic loads.

     After clicking Send to begin sending emails, it is possible to navigate away from the page or even end the ResCenter session. The emails will continue to be sent in the background.

     After emails are sent, records of the process are recorded in the Transaction Log. When viewing the Transaction Log grid, the TransLog.Transaction_Type column indicates the action taken during the Bulk Communication process, and the TransLog.Value column includes the outcome or more details about the action.