Addresses Overview

The patron Addresses tab displays all Address Types such as campus, billing, local, and home addresses. Entering patron address information is useful if you wish to have the addresses printed on various patron reports or export addresses to use in mailings.

An Address Type can also be used for recording an alternate email address for patrons. The Address Type can then be added as a CC or BCC when sending patron emails in the Bulk Communication function. This allows patrons to receive an email message at their alternative email address in addition to their institution email address.

All Address Types (except the Occupancy Address) are defined through the Setup module in the Odyssey HMS desktop UI. The Occupancy Address is a combination of the patron’s local address plus the facility address of where the patron is assigned. If the patron is not assigned for the date you choose to view the Occupancy Address, the Occupancy Address will match the patron’s local address.

Users cannot modify the Occupancy Address directly. Either the local address or facility address must be modified to update the Occupancy Address. Users can view past occupancy addresses for a patron by using the date drop-down menu available when Occupancy Address is selected.

Staff can perform the following procedures from the Addresses tab on the Patron page accessed via the Patron menu:

     Add an Address

     Edit an Address

     View Occupancy Address History